Friday, October 14, 2011

Greece: Day 0

Location: on-carriage

Despite my fears, I made all my planes on time, and none of them fell out of the air.

My first flight was to Toronto, about 3.5 hours long, where I received my first visa stamp (I feel like that one's cheating). Things got a little hairy was when Canadian security discovered I share a name with a flight security threat, but a quick phone call cleared up my identity as average-American Alana and not covert terrorist-operative Alana.

The flight across the Atlantic to Greece was a painstakingly long 9.5 hours, 99% of which I was achingly awake for, as I was freezing the whole time. I fashioned myself a Snuggie out of what available blankets there were on the unoccupied seats around me (the plane was probably only a quarter full), but I shivered the time away alternately reading Crime & Punishment and watching Mr. Popper's Penguins, Le Héros des animaux, and Transformers 3: La face cachée de la lune. Kevin James and Michael Bay are not any better in French.

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