Sunday, September 26, 2010

Mount Sniktau, Colorado

I’d considered taking Cameron to Mount Sniktau (13, 234 feet) for his first big hike, instead of to Bierstadt; Sniktau is easier than Bierstadt, and quite a bit shorter (only 3.4 miles round-trip). However, in the end, I figured he’d prefer to climb a relatively popular fourteener than some little-heard-of thirteener. Good thing - if Mount Sniktau had been my first hike, I would have never hiked again.

I overslept this morning, by five hours; instead of getting up at five, I turned off my alarm and slept until ten. But the weather report was good and the sky was clear, so I thought I might as well give it a try. I got to Loveland Pass (11,990 feet) around noon and immediately set off in the wrong direction.

An hour later, I was back at Loveland Pass and this time, I actually used the map and took the right trail. Hiking up Mount Sniktau is a pain; it’s just a straight shot up the mountain, no switchbacks or anything. Despite my false start, it’s very clear where you’re supposed to go, and there are even some stupid cairns sitting next to the trail, which is wide enough for like eight people to walk side-by-side. I obviously didn’t need the map much after the initial direction-correction, so I put it in my boot to keep my heel from getting rubbed raw.

It took me an hour and forty minutes to get up, and only a half-hour to get down - I think that’s my speed record. In conclusion, Sniktau is a dull unappealing uphill slog that should only be attempted by masochists, and I’m glad to have it out of the way.

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